Saturday, April 27, 2019


Being consistent is great quality, evidently the one I lack, especially when it comes to blogging. Though I have not posted for a loooong time, I always wanted to write. I think two things came in between. Having a twitter account(You really don't want to check that out.), it is always tempting to tweet out any thing one wants to say out loud. Once the tweet is out there is no more motivation to write a long post. Second, somewhere in between everything looses their meaning. My old posts look so ridiculous and I am little embarrassed to read them now. 

But hey...didn't we read somewhere that finding the meaning from the meaningless is what the meaning of life(Ok! I just made that up). Also I think ability to laugh at oneself is a gift. So I am going to leave all the old embarrassing posts in all my blogs not deleted. Though some of the draft ones will be surely deleted. They were so bad I did not have heart to publish them at that time itself :)

Thanks to Prof. Viji, I am reviving this blog. I will be posting random stuff in addition to things on my Executive MBA classes at IIT Chennai.