Monday, August 25, 2008

Turning software pirate into a paying customer

PLM, EDA, MCAD are pretty costly piece of software with relatively small install base. Each of them follow some licensing scheme, however normally they get hacked and pirated quickly. The complaint from vendors is that even some big companies in emerging market cheat on licenses. While they buy few legitimate licenses so that they would be legal and can get official support, they go for pirated versions to be "cost effective" to support their large user base.

A new start-up V.I is coming up with a tool called CodeArmour. This one does not block pirates from using the software. But, it stealthily collects usage data and sends it to the vendor. The idea is that the vendor can use it as a sales lead. Kind of carrot and stick approach, " license and lets be friends or I will expose that you are a thief"

First thing that comes to my mind is what about privacy violations...Also, will pirates sit and watch this CodeArmour to mow them down without giving a fight...Hmmm

1 comment:

Jayakumar said...

this is a test comment